- Tetsuro Konishi and Tatsuo Yanagita, “Slow relaxation to equipartition in spring-chain systems”, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, p. P09001- P09015 (2010)
- Tatsuo Yanagita and Alexander S. Mikhailov, “Design of easily synchronizable oscillator networks using Monte Carlo Optimization method”, Physical Review E, 81,056204 (2010)
- Tatsuo Yanagita and Tamotsu Onozaki, “Dynamics of Market Structure Driven by the Degree of Consumer's Rationality”, Physica A, vol. 389, p.1041-1054 (2010)
- Tetsuro Konishi and Tatsuo Yanagita, “Energetic motion of end-particles in constrained dynamical systems”, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, p. L09001-L09010 (2009)
- Tatsuo Yanagita and Yukito Iba, “Exploration of Order in Chaos using the Replica Exchange Monte Carlo method”, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, p. P02043-P02058 (2009)
- Tatsuo Yanagita, Hiromichi Suetani and Kazuyuki Aihara, “Bifurcation analysis of solitary pulse, synchronized pulses and reentrant waves in laterally coupled excitable fibers”, Physical Review E, 78, p. 05628-056039 (2008), [Selected for Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, Vol. 16-10 (2008)]
- Hiromichi Suetani, Tatsuo Yanagita and Kazuyuki Aihara, “Pulse Dynamics in Coupled Excitable Fibers: Soliton-like Collision, Recombination, and Overtaking”, International Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos, 18, p. 2289-2308(2008)
- Tatsuo Yanagita and Tamotsu Onozaki, “Dynamics of a Market with Heterogeneous Learning Agents”, Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 3,p.107-118 (2008)
- Tatsuo Yanagita and Tamotsu Onozaki, “A Model of Market Structure Dynamics with Boundedly Rational of a Agents”, Agent-Based Approaches in Economics and Social Complex System V, p.255-266 (2008)
- Tatsuo Yanagita, “Input-output relation of FitzHugh-Nagumo elements arranged in a trifurcated structure”, Physical Review E. 76,56215-56228(2007)
- T. Onozaki, Tatsuo Yanagita, T. Kaizoji and K. Toyabe : “Regional Business Cycle Synchronization through Expectations”, Physica A, 383,102-107(2007)
- Yoshihito Oyama, Tatsuo Yanagita and Takashi Ichinomiya, “Numerical Analysis of FitzHugh-Nagumo neurons on random networks”, Progress of Theoretical Physics, 161, 389-392 (2006)
- Tatsuo Yanagita, Yasumasa Nishiura and Ryo Kobayashi, “Resonance and the formation of death-spot in one-dimensional FitzHugh-Nagumo equations”, Progress of Theoretical Physics, 161, 393-396 (2006)
- Makoto Iima and Tatsuo Yanagita, “A transition from ascending flight to vertical hovering: A study of a symmetric flapping model”, Europhysics Letter, 74,p.55-61 (2006)
- Makoto Iima and Tatsuo Yanagita, “Asymmetric Motion of a Two-Dimensional Symmetric Flapping Model”, Fluid Dynamics Research, 36, p. 407-425 (2005)
- Tatsuo Yanagita, Yasumasa Nishiura and Ryo Kobayashi, “Signal propagation and failure in one-dimensional FitzHugh-Nagumo equations with periodic stimuli”, Physical Review E, 71, p36226-36230 (2005)
- Yasumasa Nishiura, Daishin Ueyama and Tatsuo Yanagita, “Chaotic Pulses for Discrete Reaction Diffusion Systems”, SIAM Journal of Applied Dynamical Systems, 4, p.733-754 (2005)
- Tatsuo Yanagita, Takashi Ichinomiya and Yoshihito Oyama, “A pair of excitable FitzHugh-Nagumo elements: Synchronization, Multistability and Chaos”, Physical Review E, 72, p56218-56224 (2005)
- Tamotsu Onozaki and Tatsuo Yanagita, “Monopoly, Oligopoly and Invisible Hand”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 18, p.537-547 (2003)
- Makoto Iima and Tatsuo Yanagita,”Is a 2D Butterfly able to fly by Symmetrical Flapping?”, Journal of Phys. Soc. Japan, 70,p5-8(2001)
- 西浦廉政, 上山大信,柳田達雄,”離散散逸系におけるカオス的パルス”,応用数理,vol.11-2, p.25-39(2001)
- Makoto Iima and Tatsuo Yanagita, "An Analysis of a Symmetric Flapping Model: A Symmetry-Breaking Mechanism and Its Universality", Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 50, p.237-245(2001)
- Tatsuo Yanagita,”A Three-Dimensional Cellular Automaton Model of Segregation of Granular Materials in a Rotating Cylinder”, Physical Review Letters, 82:3488-3491(1999)
- Tatsuo Yanagita and Kunihiko Kaneko, Modeling and Characterization of Cloud Dynamics”, Physical Review Letters, 78:4297-4301(1997)